As a company that is always on the lookout for ways to help you improve your dental practice, we want to impart an important lesson to you: pick up tips and tricks wherever you can.
There are nuggets of valuable information all over the web. You’ve just got to know where to find them. Of course, Now 2 Wow’s blog is a great resource. Another great resource for dentists is Dental Products Report – DPR for short.
DPR recently published a great article by Jane Pak, CEO of National Association of Women Business Owners, which provides a list of the top 10 business tips for dental practices.
We wanted to highlight some of these fantastic tips that can help you improve your practice, including dental team building, creating a more personalized atmosphere and creating trust among both doctors, team, and patients. We also added our own spin and expertise so you get the best information possible.
Love What You Do – Every member of your team needs to truly love what they do – they can’t just be in it for a paycheck. Patients can tell the difference in service and your practice will probably suffer if the patient’s experience with the staff is not top-notch. An upbeat personality and a true passion for dentistry are a must for anyone on your team. Remember: keeping patients happy is your #1 priority.
Your Patients Should Feel Special — Building upon the previous tip, make sure you make your patients feel special and that they’re individuals, not just a number. Patients know your practice likely sees many people throughout the day, but if you can make them feel like you know them and that they Know who they are, what’s going on in their lives and engage with them. Truly make them feel like you care about them and are happy they’re there.
Make Sure You Are Active Online – Everyone is online nowadays – it’s a fact. Just look around anytime you are in public and see how many people are browsing the internet on their smartphones. The majority of potential patients will be finding you online and therefore, you need to make your service accessible to them. Have an easy-to-navigate website. Be active and engaging on Facebook and Twitter – make them an open forum for tips and feedback.
“If you’re not managing your presence online, red alert — it is managing YOU.” – Jane Pak.
Get Educated – Staying ahead of the curve and improving upon your own skills through continued education opportunities are vital to being a top dentist. Furthermore, show your patients evidence of this and the value it brings to their service. Throw a picture on social media of you at the course so your followers can see it happening and engage with you about it.
These are just a few ways you can bring value to your practice and make it the absolute best it can be. Remember, your practice’s success starts and ends with your effort and the effort of your team, so rally them up in the “morning huddle” and share some of these words of wisdom!