I recently lectured at Delta Dental in Missouri as part of the futureFocus 2013 conference, which focuses on the future of health and healthcare benefits. I was honored to be the only dental hygienist speaker and discussed how dental care can play a role in overall health with a panel of leading experts in the dentistry field.

Dr. Dan Sindelar and Stephanie Lodding, RDH at the Future Focus 2013, where she discussed the oral-systemic link and the role of dental hygiene.
Speaking about my passion
I have personally seen the effects of healthy periodontal care for patients in need where my patients’ overall health dramatically improved after performing the appropriate periodontal therapy. So being part of this event has been an honor and fabulous opportunity to share my experience to other aspiring and leading health professionals, and encourage them to think about the overall well-being while performing dentistry.
It was an honor to be with many leading experts and despite the hectic schedule (I had to sprint to catch my connecting flight the same day!), the experience was worthwhile and eye-opening.
Recap of the oral systemic link
If you have not heard about the oral systemic link, this term refers to the connection between your oral and overall health. For instance, if you have periodontal disease, you are more at risk to severe health risks, including:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Some cancers
- Premature labor
- High blood pressure
- Difficulty becoming pregnant
Despite this, preventative care is the key to keep your mouth and body healthy.
Incorporating the oral systemic link into your practice is the first step to create positive changes to your patients’ overall health. Dentistry is revolutionizing healthcare, and you could save someone’s life with this thought process.
Make the change and save your patients’ lives! I am passionate about this topic, and as your dental coach, I am capable of bringing your practice to this level of care. Please contact me today to learn more!